

func (ctx *RequestContext) Host() []byte 
func (ctx *RequestContext) FullPath() string 
func (ctx *RequestContext) SetFullPath(p string)
func (ctx *RequestContext) Path() []byte 
func (ctx *RequestContext) Param(key string) string
func (ctx *RequestContext) Query(key string) string
func (ctx *RequestContext) DefaultQuery(key, defaultValue string) string
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetQuery(key string) (string, bool) 
func (ctx *RequestContext) QueryArgs() *protocol.Args
func (ctx *RequestContext) URI() *protocol.URI 


Obtain the requested host address.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Host() []byte 

Example Code:

// GET
h.GET("/", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    host := ctx.Host() // host == []byte("")


Get the complete path of the matched route, and return an empty string for the unmatched route.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) FullPath() string 

Example Code:

h := server.Default(server.WithHandleMethodNotAllowed(true))

// GET
h.GET("/user/:name", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    fpath := ctx.FullPath() // fpath == "/user/:name"

// GET
h.NoRoute(func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    fpath := ctx.FullPath() // fpath == ""

h.NoMethod(func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    fpath := ctx.FullPath() // fpath == ""


Set the value of FullPath.

Note: FullPath is assigned during routing lookup, and usually you do not need to use SetFullPath to overwrite it.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) SetFullPath(p string)

Example Code:

h.GET("/user/:name", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    fpath := ctx.FullPath() // fpath == "/v1/user/:name"


Obtain the path of the request.

Note: When parameter routing occurs, Path provides the named path after parameter matching, while FullPath provides the original path.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Path() []byte 

Example Code:

// GET
h.GET("/user/:name", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    path := ctx.Path() // path == []byte("/user/bar")


Obtain the value of routing parameters.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Param(key string) string 

Example Code:

// GET
h.GET("/user/:name", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    name := ctx.Param("name") // name == "bar"
    id := ctx.Param("id") // id == ""


Get the value of the attribute specified in the route Query String parameter. If no empty string is returned.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Query(key string) string

Example Code:

// GET
h.GET("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    name := ctx.Query("name") // name == "bar"
    id := ctx.Query("id") // id == ""


Obtain the value of the specified attribute in the Query String parameter of the route, and if it does not return the default value set.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) DefaultQuery(key, defaultValue string) string

Example Code:

// GET
h.GET("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    name := ctx.DefaultQuery("name", "tom") // name == "bar"
    id := ctx.DefaultQuery("id", "123") // id == "123"
    age := ctx.DefaultQuery("age", "45") // age == ""


Obtain the value of the specified attribute in the Query String parameter of the route and whether the attribute exists.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) GetQuery(key string) (string, bool)

Example Code:

// GET
h.GET("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    name, hasName := ctx.GetQuery("name") // name == "bar", hasName == true
    id, hasId := ctx.GetQuery("id") // id == "", hasId == false
    age, hasAge := ctx.GetQuery("age") // age == "", hasAge == true


Obtain the Query String parameter object for the route.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) QueryArgs() *protocol.Args


The Args object provides the following methods to obtain/set Query String parameters.

Function Signature Description
func (a *Args) Set(key, value string) Set the value of Args object key
func (a *Args) Reset() Reset Args Object
func (a *Args) CopyTo(dst *Args) Copy Args object to dst
func (a *Args) Del(key string) Delete the key value pair of Args object key
func (a *Args) DelBytes(key []byte) Delete key value pairs of Args object byte array type key
func (a *Args) Has(key string) bool Obtain whether the Args object has a key value pair for the key
func (a *Args) String() string Convert Args object to Query String of string type
func (a *Args) QueryString() []byte Convert Args object to a Query String of byte array type
func (a *Args) ParseBytes(b []byte) Parsing byte arrays and storing key value pairs in Args object
func (a *Args) Peek(key string) []byte Obtain the value of Args object key
func (a *Args) PeekExists(key string) (string, bool) Obtain the value of Args object key and its existence
func (a *Args) Len() int Obtain the number of Args object key-value pairs
func (a *Args) AppendBytes(dst []byte) []byte Append Args object Query String to dst and return
func (a *Args) VisitAll(f func(key, value []byte)) Visit all key value pairs of Args object
func (a *Args) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) Write Args object Query String to io.Writer
func (a *Args) Add(key, value string) Add Args object key as key value

Example Code:

// GET
h.GET("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    args := ctx.QueryArgs()

    // get information from args
    s := args.String()                    // s == "name=bar&age=&pets=dog&pets=cat"
    qs := args.QueryString()              // qs == []byte("name=bar&age=&pets=dog&pets=cat")
    cpqs := args.AppendBytes([]byte(nil)) // cpqs == []byte("name=bar&age=&pets=dog&pets=cat")
    name := args.Peek("name")             // name == []byte("bar")
    hasName := args.Has("name")           // hasName == true
    age, hasAge := args.PeekExists("age") // age == "", hasAge == true
    len := args.Len()                     // len == 4

    args.VisitAll(func(key, value []byte) {
        // 1. key == []byte("name"), value == []byte("bar")
        // 2. key == []byte("age"), value == nil
        // 3. key == []byte("pets"), value == []byte("dog")
        // 4. key == []byte("pets"), value == []byte("cat")

    // send information to io.Writer
    req := protocol.AcquireRequest()
	n, err := args.WriteTo(req.BodyWriter())
    // n == 31 err == nil
	s := req.BodyBuffer().String()
    // s == "name=bar&age=&pets=dog&pets=cat"
    // change args
    var newArgs protocol.Args

    newArgs.Set("version", "v1")
    version := newArgs.Peek("version") //version == []byte("v1")

    hasAgeAfterDel := newArgs.Has("age") // hasAgeAfterDel == false

    hasNameAfterDel := newArgs.Has("name") // hasNameAfterDel == false

    newArgs.Add("name", "foo")
    newName := newArgs.Peek("name") //newName == []byte("foo")

    empty := newArgs.String() // empty == ""

    // parse args
    var newArgs2 protocol.Args
    nqs2 := newArgs2.String() // nqs2 == "name=bar&age=20"


Return the requested URI object.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) URI() *protocol.URI 

URI Object

The URI object provides the following methods to obtain/set URI.

Function Signature Description
func (u *URI) CopyTo(dst *URI) Copy a copy of the URI object to dst
func (u *URI) QueryArgs() *Args Get Args
func (u *URI) Hash() []byte Obtain Hash value, such as Hash is qwe
func (u *URI) SetHash(hash string) Set Hash
func (u *URI) SetHashBytes(hash []byte) Set Hash of type []byte
func (u *URI) Username() []byte Get Username
func (u *URI) SetUsername(username string) Set Username
func (u *URI) SetUsernameBytes(username []byte) Set Username of type []byte
func (u *URI) Password() []byte Get Password
func (u *URI) SetPassword(password string) Set Password
func (u *URI) SetPasswordBytes(password []byte) Set Password of type []byte
func (u *URI) QueryString() []byte Get Query String, such as Query String is baz=123
func (u *URI) SetQueryString(queryString string) Set Query String
func (u *URI) SetQueryStringBytes(queryString []byte) Set Query String of type []byte
func (u *URI) Path() []byte Get Path, such as Path is /user/he rtz
func (u *URI) PathOriginal() []byte Get Unescaped Path, such as Path is /user/he%20rtz
func (u *URI) SetPath(path string) Set Path
func (u *URI) SetPathBytes(path []byte) Set Path of type []byte
func (u *URI) String() string Obtain the complete URI, such as complete URI is
func (u *URI) FullURI() []byte Obtain the complete URI of type []byte
func (u *URI) Scheme() []byte Obtain protocol, such as http
func (u *URI) SetScheme(scheme string) Set protocol
func (u *URI) SetSchemeBytes(scheme []byte) Set protocol of type []byte
func (u *URI) Host() []byte Set Host, such as Host is
func (u *URI) SetHost(host string) Set Host
func (u *URI) SetHostBytes(host []byte) Set Host of type []byte
func (u *URI) LastPathSegment() []byte Obtain the last part of Path, for example, the last part of Path /foo/bar/baz.html is baz.html
func (u *URI) Update(newURI string) Update URI
func (u *URI) UpdateBytes(newURI []byte) Update URI of type []byte
func (u *URI) Parse(host, uri []byte) Initialize URI
func (u *URI) AppendBytes(dst []byte) []byte Assign the complete URI to dst and return dst
func (u *URI) RequestURI() []byte Get RequestURI, such as RequestURI is /user?baz=123
func (u *URI) Reset() Reset URI
// RequestHeader
func (h *RequestHeader) Add(key, value string)
func (h *RequestHeader) Set(key, value string)
func (h *RequestHeader) Header() []byte
func (h *RequestHeader) String() string
func (h *RequestHeader) VisitAll(f func(key, value []byte))

// RequestContext
func (ctx *RequestContext) IsGet() bool 
func (ctx *RequestContext) IsHead() bool
func (ctx *RequestContext) IsPost() bool
func (ctx *RequestContext) Method() []byte
func (ctx *RequestContext) ContentType() []byte
func (ctx *RequestContext) IfModifiedSince(lastModified time.Time) bool 
func (ctx *RequestContext) Cookie(key string) []byte
func (ctx *RequestContext) UserAgent() []byte
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetHeader(key string) []byte


Add or set the header with the key as key.

Note: Add is usually used to set multiple headers for the same key. To set a single header for the same key, use Set. When used as a header for Content Type, Content Length, Connection, Cookie, Transfer Encoding, Host, User Agent, etc., using multiple Add will overwrite the old values.

Function Signature:

func (h *RequestHeader) Add(key, value string)

Example Code:

hertz.GET("/example", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
	ctx.Request.Header.Add("hertz1", "value1")
	ctx.Request.Header.Add("hertz1", "value2")
	contentType1 := ctx.Request.Header.ContentType() 
    // contentType1 == []byte("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	ctx.Request.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
	hertz1 := ctx.Request.Header.GetAll("hertz1") 
    // hertz1 == []string{"value1", "value2"}
	contentType2 := ctx.Request.Header.ContentType() 
    // contentType2 == []byte("application/json; charset=utf-8")


Set the Header key value.

Note: Set is usually used to set a single header for the same key. To set multiple headers for the same key, use Add.

Function Signature:

func (h *RequestHeader) Set(key, value string)

Example Code:

hertz.GET("/example", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
	ctx.Request.Header.Set("hertz1", "value1")
	ctx.Request.Header.Set("hertz1", "value2")
	contentType1 := ctx.Request.Header.ContentType() 
    // contentType1 == []byte("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
	ctx.Request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
	hertz1 := ctx.Request.Header.GetAll("hertz1")    
    // hertz1 == []string{"value2"}
	contentType2 := ctx.Request.Header.ContentType() 
    // contentType2 == []byte("application/json; charset=utf-8")


Obtain the complete header of type []byte.

Function Signature:

func (h *RequestHeader) Header() []byte

Example Code:

hertz.GET("/example", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
		ctx.Request.Header.Set("hertz1", "value1")
		header := ctx.Request.Header.Header()
		// header == []byte("GET /example HTTP/1.1
		//User-Agent: PostmanRuntime-ApipostRuntime/1.1.0
		//Host: localhost:8888
		//Cache-Control: no-cache
		//Accept: */*
		//Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
		//Connection: keep-alive
		//Hertz1: value1")


Obtain the complete header.

Function Signature:

func (h *RequestHeader) String() string

Example Code:

hertz.GET("/example", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
		ctx.Request.Header.Set("hertz1", "value1")
		header := ctx.Request.Header.String()
		// header == "GET /example HTTP/1.1
		//User-Agent: PostmanRuntime-ApipostRuntime/1.1.0
		//Host: localhost:8888
		//Cache-Control: no-cache
		//Accept: */*
		//Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
		//Connection: keep-alive
		//Hertz1: value1"

VisitAll Header

Traverse the key values of all headers and execute the f function.

Function Signature:

func (h *RequestHeader) VisitAll(f func(key, value []byte))

Example Code:

hertz.GET("/example", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
	ctx.Request.Header.Add("Hertz1", "value1")
	ctx.Request.Header.Add("Hertz1", "value2")

	var hertzString []string
	ctx.Request.Header.VisitAll(func(key, value []byte) {
		if string(key) == "Hertz1" {
			hertzString = append(hertzString, string(value))
	// hertzString == []string{"value1", "value2"}


Get the type of the request method.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Method() []byte

Example Code:

h.Any("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    method := ctx.Method() // method == []byte("POST")


Obtain the value of the request header Content Type.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) ContentType() []byte

Example Code:

// Content-Type: application/json
h.Post("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    contentType := ctx.ContentType() // contentType == []byte("application/json")


Determine if the time has exceeded the value of the request header If Modified Since.

Note: If the request header does not contain If Modified Since, it also returns true.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) IfModifiedSince(lastModified time.Time) bool

Example Code:

// If-Modified-Since: Wed, 21 Oct 2023 07:28:00 GMT
h.Post("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    t2022, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, "Wed, 21 Oct 2022 07:28:00 GMT")
    ifModifiedSince := ctx.IfModifiedSince(t2022) // ifModifiedSince == false

    t2024, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, "Wed, 21 Oct 2024 07:28:00 GMT")
    ifModifiedSince = ctx.IfModifiedSince(t2024) // ifModifiedSince == true

Obtain the value of the key in the request header Cookie.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Cookie(key string) []byte

Example Code:

// Cookie: foo_cookie=choco; bar_cookie=strawberry
h.Post("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    fCookie := ctx.Cookie("foo_cookie")     // fCookie == []byte("choco")
    bCookie := ctx.Cookie("bar_cookie")     // bCookie == []byte("strawberry")
    noneCookie := ctx.Cookie("none_cookie") // noneCookie == nil


Obtain the value of the request header User Agent.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) UserAgent() []byte

Example Code:

// User-Agent: Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36
h.Post("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    ua := ctx.UserAgent() // ua == []byte("Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36")


Obtain the value of the key in the request header.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) GetHeader(key string) []byte

Example Code:

// Say-Hello: hello
h.Post("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    customHeader := ctx.GetHeader("Say-Hello") // customHeader == []byte("hello")

RequestHeader Object

Use RequestContext.Request.Header to obtain the RequestHeader object, which provides the following methods to obtain/set the request header.

Function Signature Description
func (h *RequestHeader) Method() []byte Get Method
func (h *RequestHeader) SetMethod(method string) Set Method
func (h *RequestHeader) SetMethodBytes(method []byte) Set Method of type []byte
func (h *RequestHeader) IsGet() bool Determine if Method is GET
func (h *RequestHeader) IsHead() bool Determine if Method is HEAD
func (h *RequestHeader) IsPost() bool Determine if Method is POST
func (h *RequestHeader) IsPut() bool Determine if Method is PUT
func (h *RequestHeader) IsDelete() bool Determine if Method is DELETE
func (h *RequestHeader) IsConnect() bool Determine if Method is CONNECT
func (h *RequestHeader) IsOptions() bool Determine if Method is OPTIONS
func (h *RequestHeader) IsTrace() bool Determine if Method is TRACE
func (h *RequestHeader) IgnoreBody() bool Determine whether to ignore Body (Method GET/HEAD ignores Body)
func (h *RequestHeader) RequestURI() []byte Get RequestURI
func (h *RequestHeader) SetRequestURI(requestURI string) Set RequestURI
func (h *RequestHeader) SetRequestURIBytes(requestURI []byte) Set RequestURI of type []byte
func (h *RequestHeader) SetProtocol(p string) Set protocol type, such as HTTP/1.0
func (h *RequestHeader) GetProtocol() string Get protocol type, such as HTTP/1.1
func (h *RequestHeader) IsHTTP11() bool Determine if it is HTTP/1.1
func (h *RequestHeader) SetNoHTTP11(b bool) Setting is not HTTP/1.1
func (h *RequestHeader) Host() []byte Get Host
func (h *RequestHeader) SetHost(host string) Set Host
func (h *RequestHeader) SetHostBytes(host []byte) Set Host of type []byte
func (h *RequestHeader) ContentLength() int Get Content-Length
func (h *RequestHeader) ContentLengthBytes() []byte Get Content-Length of type []byte
func (h *RequestHeader) SetContentLength(contentLength int) Set Content-Length
func (h *RequestHeader) SetContentLengthBytes(contentLength []byte) Set Content-Length of type []byte
func (h *RequestHeader) InitContentLengthWithValue(contentLength int) Initialize Content-Length
func (h *RequestHeader) ContentType() []byte Get Content-Type
func (h *RequestHeader) SetContentTypeBytes(contentType []byte) Set Content-Type
func (h *RequestHeader) SetNoDefaultContentType(b bool) Control the default sending behavior when Content Type is not specified, false sends the default Content Type value, true does not send Content Type
func (h *RequestHeader) UserAgent() []byte Get User-Agent
func (h *RequestHeader) SetUserAgentBytes(userAgent []byte) Set User-Agent
func (h *RequestHeader) ConnectionClose() bool Determine if it contains Connection: close
func (h *RequestHeader) SetConnectionClose(close bool) Set connectionClose
func (h *RequestHeader) ResetConnectionClose() Reset connectionClose to false and delete Connection Header
func (h *RequestHeader) SetByteRange(startPos, endPos int) Set Range (Range: bytes=startPos-endPos)
func (h *RequestHeader) SetMultipartFormBoundary(boundary string) Set the boundary for Content Type=multipart/form data
func (h *RequestHeader) MultipartFormBoundary() []byte Get the value of boundary
func (h *RequestHeader) Trailer() *Trailer Get Trailer
func (h *RequestHeader) Cookie(key string) []byte Obtain the value of Cookie key as key
func (h *RequestHeader) SetCookie(key, value string) Set Cookie Key Values
func (h *RequestHeader) DelCookie(key string) Delete the cookie whose key is key
func (h *RequestHeader) DelAllCookies() Delete all Cookies
func (h *RequestHeader) FullCookie() []byte Get all Cookies
func (h *RequestHeader) Cookies() []*Cookie Get all Cookie objects
func (h *RequestHeader) VisitAllCookie(f func(key, value []byte)) Traverse the key values of all cookies and execute the f function
func (h *RequestHeader) Peek(key string) []byte Obtain the value of key for type []byte
func (h *RequestHeader) Get(key string) string Obtain the value of key as key
func (h *RequestHeader) PeekArgBytes(key []byte) []byte Obtain the value of key as key
func (h *RequestHeader) PeekAll(key string) [][]byte Obtain all values of key for type []byte (used to obtain multiple values with the same key)
func (h *RequestHeader) GetAll(key string) []string Obtain all values with key as key
func (h *RequestHeader) PeekIfModifiedSinceBytes() []byte Get If-Modified-Since
func (h *RequestHeader) PeekContentEncoding() []byte Get Content-Encoding
func (h *RequestHeader) PeekRange() []byte Get Range
func (h *RequestHeader) HasAcceptEncodingBytes(acceptEncoding []byte) bool Determine whether Accept-Encoding exists and whether Accept-Encoding includes acceptEncoding
func (h *RequestHeader) RawHeaders() []byte Get original Header
func (h *RequestHeader) SetRawHeaders(r []byte) Set original Header
func (h *RequestHeader) Add(key, value string) Add or set the header with the key as key. (The key will overwrite the following headers: Content Type, Content Length, Connection, Cookie, Transfer Encoding, Host, User Agent)
func (h *RequestHeader) InitBufValue(size int) Initialize buffer size
func (h *RequestHeader) GetBufValue() []byte Get the value of the buffer
func (h *RequestHeader) SetCanonical(key, value []byte) Set the Header key value, assuming that the key is in canonical form
func (h *RequestHeader) Set(key, value string) Set Header Key Values
func (h *RequestHeader) SetBytesKV(key, value []byte) Set Header Key Values
func (h *RequestHeader) DelBytes(key []byte) Delete key value pairs with key in the header
func (h *RequestHeader) AddArgBytes(key, value []byte, noValue bool) Add Header key value (key is not Content Type, Content Length, Connection, Cookie, Transfer Encoding, Host, User Agent)
func (h *RequestHeader) SetArgBytes(key, value []byte, noValue bool) Set Header key value (key is not Content Type, Content Length, Connection, Cookie, Transfer Encoding, Host, User Agent)
func (h *RequestHeader) AppendBytes(dst []byte) []byte Attach the complete header to the dst and return
func (h *RequestHeader) Header() []byte Obtain the complete header of type []byte
func (h *RequestHeader) String() string Obtain the complete header
func (h *RequestHeader) CopyTo(dst *RequestHeader) Obtain a copy of RequestHeader
func (h *RequestHeader) VisitAll(f func(key, value []byte)) Traverse the key values of all headers and execute the f function
func (h *RequestHeader) VisitAllCustomHeader(f func(key, value []byte)) Traverse the key values of all headers and execute the f function, except for Content Type, Content Length, Cookie, Host, User Agent
func (h *RequestHeader) Len() int Return the number of key value pairs in the header
func (h *RequestHeader) DisableNormalizing() Disable the normalization of header name (capitalize the first letter and the first letter after the Em dash)
func (h *RequestHeader) IsDisableNormalizing() bool Whether to disable standardized for header name
func (h *RequestHeader) ResetSkipNormalize() Reset Headers except for disableNormalizing status
func (h *RequestHeader) Reset() Reset Headers


func (ctx *RequestContext) GetRawData() []byte
func (ctx *RequestContext) Body() ([]byte, error) 
func (ctx *RequestContext) RequestBodyStream() io.Reader
func (ctx *RequestContext) MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)
func (ctx *RequestContext) PostForm(key string) string
func (ctx *RequestContext) DefaultPostForm(key, defaultValue string) string 
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetPostForm(key string) (string, bool) 
func (ctx *RequestContext) PostArgs() *protocol.Args
func (ctx *RequestContext) FormValue(key string) []byte 
func (ctx *RequestContext) SetFormValueFunc(f FormValueFunc)  


Obtain the requested body data and return an error if an error occurs.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Body() ([]byte, error) 

Example Code:

// Content-Type: application/json
// {"pet":"cat"}
h.Post("/pet", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    data, err := ctx.Body() // data == []byte("{\"pet\":\"cat\"}") , err == nil


Obtain the requested BodyStream.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) RequestBodyStream() io.Reader

Example Code:

// Content-Type: text/plain
// abcdefg
h := server.Default(server.WithStreamBody(true))
h.Post("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    sr := ctx.RequestBodyStream()
    data, _ := io.ReadAll(sr) // data == []byte("abcdefg")


Obtain the multipart.Form object. (For more information, please refer to multipart#Form)

Note: This function can obtain both ordinary values and files. Here is an example code for obtaining ordinary values. The example code for obtaining files can be found in MultipartForm.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)

Example Code:

// Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
// tom
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    form, err := ctx.MultipartForm()
    name := form.Value["name"][0] // name == "tom"


Retrieve multipart.Form.Value by name and return the first value of the given name.

Note: This function supports obtaining values from content-type of application/x-www form urlencoded and multipart/form data, and does not support obtaining file values.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) PostForm(key string) string

Example Code:

// Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
// tom
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    name := ctx.PostForm("name") // name == "tom"


Retrieve multipart.Form.Value by name and return the first value of the given name. If it does not exist, return defaultValue.

Note: This function supports obtaining values from content-type of application/x-www form urlencoded and multipart/form data, and does not support obtaining file values.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) DefaultPostForm(key, defaultValue string) string 

Example Code:

// Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
// tom
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    name := ctx.PostForm("name", "jack") // name == "tom"
    age := ctx.PostForm("age", "10") // age == "10"


Obtain the application/x-www form urlencoded parameter object. (For more information, please refer to Args)

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) PostArgs() *protocol.Args

Example Code:

// Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// name=tom&pet=cat&pet=dog
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    args := ctx.PostArgs()
    name := args.Peek("name") // name == "tom"

    var pets []string
    args.VisitAll(func(key, value []byte) {
        if string(key) == "pet" {
        pets = append(pets, string(value))
    // pets == []string{"cat", "dog"}


Obtain the values of keys in the following order.

  1. Obtain values from QueryArgs.
  2. Obtain values from PostArgs.
  3. Obtain values from MultipartForm.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) FormValue(key string) []byte 

Example Code:

// Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// age=10
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    name := ctx.FormValue("name") // name == []byte("tom"), get by QueryArgs
    age := ctx.FormValue("age") // age == []byte("10"), get by PostArgs

// Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
// tom
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    name := ctx.FormValue("name") // name == []byte("tom"), get by MultipartForm


Set the FormValue function.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) SetFormValueFunc(f FormValueFunc) 

Example Code:

// Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="age"
// 10
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    // only return multipart form value
    ctx.SetFormValueFunc(func(rc *app.RequestContext, s string) []byte {
        mf, err := rc.MultipartForm()
        if err == nil && mf.Value != nil {
            vv := mf.Value[s]
            if len(vv) > 0 {
                return []byte(vv[0])
        return nil

    name := ctx.FormValue("name") // name == nil
    age := ctx.FormValue("age")   // age == []byte("10")

File Operation

func (ctx *RequestContext) MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)
func (ctx *RequestContext) FormFile(name string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error) 
func (ctx *RequestContext) SaveUploadedFile(file *multipart.FileHeader, dst string) error 


Obtain the multipart.Form object. (For more information, please refer to multipart#Form)

Note: This function can obtain both ordinary values and files. Here is an example code for obtaining file values. The example code for obtaining ordinary values can be found in MultipartForm.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)

Example Code:

// Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="avatar"; filename="abc.jpg"
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    form, err := ctx.MultipartForm()
    avatarFile := form.File["avatar"][0] // avatarFile.Filename == "abc.jpg"


Retrieve multipart.Form.File by name and return the first multipart.FileHeader of the given name. (For more information, please refer to multipart#FileHeader)

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) FormFile(name string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error) 

Example Code:

// Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="avatar"; filename="abc.jpg"
h.Post("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    avatarFile, err := ctx.FormFile("avatar") // avatarFile.Filename == "abc.jpg", err == nil


Save the multipart file to disk.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) SaveUploadedFile(file *multipart.FileHeader, dst string) error 

Example Code:

// Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 
// Content-Disposition: form-data; name="avatar"; filename="abc.jpg"
h.Post("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    avatarFile, err := ctx.FormFile("avatar") // avatarFile.Filename == "abc.jpg", err == nil
    // save file
    ctx.SaveUploadedFile(avatarFile, avatarFile.Filename) // save file "abc.jpg"

RequestContext Metadata Store

Note: RequestContext will be reclaimed after the request ends, and the metadata will be set to nil. To use asynchronously, please use the Copy method.

Function Signature Description
func (ctx *RequestContext) Set(key string, value interface{}) Store key value pairs in requestContext
func (ctx *RequestContext) Value(key interface{}) interface{} Gets the value of the requestContext key as key
func (ctx *RequestContext) Get(key string) (value interface{}, exists bool) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and whether the key exists
func (ctx *RequestContext) MustGet(key string) interface{} Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key. If it does not exist, a panic will occur
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetString(key string) (s string) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type string
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetBool(key string) (b bool) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type bool
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetInt(key string) (i int) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type int
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetInt32(key string) (i32 int32) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type int32
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetInt64(key string) (i64 int64) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type int64
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetUint(key string) (ui uint) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type uint
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetUint32(key string) (ui32 uint32) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type uint32
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetUint64(key string) (ui64 uint64) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type uint64
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetFloat32(key string) (f32 float32) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type float32
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetFloat64(key string) (f64 float64) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type float64
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetTime(key string) (t time.Time) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type time.Time
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetDuration(key string) (d time.Duration) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type time.Duration
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetStringSlice(key string) (ss []string) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type []string
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetStringMap(key string) (sm map[string]interface{}) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type map[string]interface{}
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetStringMapString(key string) (sms map[string]string) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type map[string]string
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetStringMapStringSlice(key string) (smss map[string][]string) Obtain the value of the requestContext key as key and convert it to type map[string][]string
func (ctx *RequestContext) ForEachKey(fn func(k string, v interface{})) Call fn for each key value pair in the context

Example Code:

h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
		ctx.Set("version1", "v1")
		v := ctx.Value("version1") // v == interface{}(string) "v1"

		ctx.Set("version2", "v2")
		v, exists := ctx.Get("version2") // v == interface{}(string) "v2", exists == true
		v, exists = ctx.Get("pet")       // v == interface{} nil, exists == false

		ctx.Set("version3", "v3")
		v := ctx.MustGet("version3") // v == interface{}(string) "v3"

		ctx.Set("version4", "v4")
		vString := ctx.GetString("version4") // vString == "v4"

		ctx.Set("isAdmin", true)
		vBool := ctx.GetBool("isAdmin") // vBool == true

		ctx.Set("age1", 20)
		vInt := ctx.GetInt("age1") // vInt == 20

		ctx.Set("age2", int32(20))
		vInt32 := ctx.GetInt32("age2") // vInt32 == 20

		ctx.Set("age3", int64(20))
		vInt64 := ctx.GetInt64("age3") // vInt64 == 20

		ctx.Set("age4", uint(20))
		vUInt := ctx.GetUint("age4") // vUInt == 20

		ctx.Set("age5", uint32(20))
		vUInt32 := ctx.GetUint32("age5") // vUInt32 == 20

		ctx.Set("age6", uint64(20))
		vUInt64 := ctx.GetUint64("age6") // vUInt64 == 20

		ctx.Set("age7", float32(20.1))
		vFloat32 := ctx.GetFloat32("age7") // vFloat32 == 20.1

		ctx.Set("age8", 20.1)
		vFloat64 := ctx.GetFloat64("age8") // vFloat64 == 20.1

		t2022, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC1123, "Wed, 21 Oct 2022 07:28:00 GMT")
		ctx.Set("birthday", t2022)
		vTime := ctx.GetTime("birthday") // vTime == t2022

		ctx.Set("duration", time.Minute)
		vDuration := ctx.GetDuration("duration") // vDuration == time.Minute

		ctx.Set("pet", []string{"cat", "dog"})
		vStringSlice := ctx.GetStringSlice("pet") // vStringSlice == []string{"cat", "dog"}

		ctx.Set("info1", map[string]interface{}{"name": "tom"})
		vStringMap := ctx.GetStringMap("info1") // vStringMap == map[string]interface{}{"name": "tom"}

		ctx.Set("info2", map[string]string{"name": "tom"})
		vStringMapString := ctx.GetStringMapString("info2")
		// vStringMapString == map[string]string{}{"name": "tom"}

		ctx.Set("smss", map[string][]string{"pets": {"cat", "dog"}})
		vStringMapStringSlice := ctx.GetStringMapStringSlice("smss")
		// vStringMapStringSlice == map[string][]string{"pets": {"cat", "dog"}}

		ctx.Set("duration", time.Minute)
		ctx.Set("version", "v1")
		ctx.ForEachKey(func(k string, v interface{}) {
			// 1. k == "duration", v == interface{}(time.Duration) time.Minute
			// 2. k == "version", v == interface{}(string) "v1"


func (ctx *RequestContext) Next(c context.Context) 
func (ctx *RequestContext) Handlers() HandlersChain 
func (ctx *RequestContext) Handler() HandlerFunc 
func (ctx *RequestContext) SetHandlers(hc HandlersChain) 
func (ctx *RequestContext) HandlerName() string 
func (ctx *RequestContext) GetIndex() int8 
func (ctx *RequestContext) Abort() 
func (ctx *RequestContext) IsAborted() bool


Execute the next handler, which is typically used in middleware handlers.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Next(c context.Context)

Example Code:

h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    v := ctx.GetString("version") // v == "v1"
}, func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    ctx.Set("version", "v1")


Get handlers chain.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Handlers() HandlersChain

Example Code:

middleware1 := func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {

handler1 := func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    handlers := ctx.Handlers() // []Handler{middleware1, handler1}

h.POST("/user", middleware1, handler1)


Obtain the last handler of the handlers chain. Generally speaking, the last handler is the main handler.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Handler() HandlerFunc

Example Code:

middleware1 := func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    lastHandler := ctx.Handler() // lastHandler == handler1

handler1 := func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {

h.POST("/user", middleware1, handler1)


Set handlers chain.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) SetHandlers(hc HandlersChain)

Example Code:

handler1 := func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    ctx.Set("current", "handler1")

handler := func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    hc := app.HandlersChain{ctx.Handlers()[0], handler1} // append handler1 into handlers chain
    current := ctx.GetString("current") // current == "handler1"
    ctx.String(consts.StatusOK, current)

h.POST("/user", handler)


Get the function name of the last handler.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) HandlerName() string

Example Code:

package main

func main() {
    h := server.New()
    h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
        hn := ctx.HandlerName() // hn == "main.main.func1"


Obtain the index of the currently executing handler in the handlers chain.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) GetIndex() int8

Example Code:

h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    index := ctx.GetIndex() // index == 0
}, func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    index := ctx.GetIndex() // index == 1


Terminate subsequent handler execution.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Abort()

Example Code:

h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
}, func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    // will not execute


Obtain whether the subsequent handler execution status has been terminated.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) IsAborted() bool

Example Code:

h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    isAborted := ctx.IsAborted() // isAborted == true
}, func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    // will not execute

Binding and validate

(For more information, please refer to binding-and-validate)

func (ctx *RequestContext) Bind(obj interface{}) error 
func (ctx *RequestContext) Validate(obj interface{}) error 
func (ctx *RequestContext) BindAndValidate(obj interface{}) error

Get ClientIP

func (ctx *RequestContext) ClientIP() string 
func (ctx *RequestContext) SetClientIPFunc(f ClientIP) 


Obtain the address of the client IP.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) ClientIP() string 

Example Code:

h.Use(func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    ip := ctx.ClientIP() // example:


Set the address of the client IP.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) SetClientIPFunc(f ClientIP) 

Example Code:

// X-Forwarded-For:
h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    ip := ctx.ClientIP() // ip == ""

    opts := app.ClientIPOptions{
        RemoteIPHeaders: []string{"X-Forwarded-For", "X-Real-IP"},
        TrustedProxies:  map[string]bool{ip: true},

    ip = ctx.ClientIP() // ip == ""
    ctx.String(consts.StatusOK, ip)

Concurrent Security

func (ctx *RequestContext) Copy() *RequestContext


Copy a copy of RequestContext to provide secure access to the coroutine.

Function Signature:

func (ctx *RequestContext) Copy() *RequestContext 

Example Code:

h.POST("/user", func(c context.Context, ctx *app.RequestContext) {
    ctx1 := ctx.Copy()
    go func(context *app.RequestContext) {
        // safely

Last modified August 3, 2023 : chore: use codetab (#745) (015155e)